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神的隨波逐流 (Shen De Sui Bo Zhu Liu) Lyrics English Translation

I’ve been listening to my go-to cheer-up song again, and realized all the English translations of it online are awful. So here’s my own.

The song is 「神的隨波逐流」 (Shen De Sui Bo Zhu Liu), a Chinese adaptation of the Japanese Vocaloid song 「神のまにまに」 (Kami no Manimani), aka “As the Gods Say”.

Chinese English
不知最近為什麼總是不隨心意 I don’t know why, recently things haven’t been going my way
坐下望著窗外只會討厭自己 I sit down, staring out the window, hating myself.
無所不能的神明也時常煩悶鬧心 Even an omnipotent god can feel gloomy sometimes
我知道,講出來,也不會有人相信 Though I know no one would believe me if I said that.
鑿開石頭縫隙只想一個人躲藏 Splitting open a crack in the stone, I just want to hide inside
堵上洞口盡管獨自哭泣一場 Block up the entrance and cry all by myself.
這樣狼狽的我怎能實現你的願望 How could such a struggling me realize your prayers?
猜不透,也不想去想 I don’t know, and I don’t want to think about it.
但我,聽說這是我最為珍貴的一個,小特長 But I’ve heard, this is actually one of my most prized skills.
多愁善感的我為愛催生出 In the name of love, the melancholy me can give birth to
千百萬奇妙的情緒 myriads of wondrous moods
化作無窮的力量 transforming them into boundless power!
所以說 So I say
別向我祈求太多 Please don’t wish too much of me
和神明吵鬧一宿 Nor argue with the gods for a night
還未開放的幸福就在你的左右 Indeed, unexplored happiness is to your left and right
月下美酒飲一口 Taste the exquisite wine under the moon
敲鑼打鼓都不夠 hitting cymbals and drums isn’t enough
醉了睡了醒了再向前走 Once you get drunk, fall asleep, and awaken, let’s continue on forwards!
所以說 So I say
不管下雨又刮風 No matter rain or wind
過了春夏又秋冬 Throughout spring, summer, fall, and winter
只要相信我的愛就在整個宇宙 You only need to believe that my love suffuses this universe.
泥巴路上迎著風 Facing the wind on the dirt road
再把衣裳抖一抖 Dusting off your clothes
笑過以後就能越挫越勇 After a smile, you can brave each challenge better than the last.
不知什麼時候人們變得漠不關心 I don’t know when people became so indifferent
功德盒子也只剩下幾毛而已 The box of donations having only a few cents remaining.
空空的錢袋怎麼能收買神的歡心 How can an empty purse bribe the favor of the gods?
請一定,請一定,找一天一次付清 Please, please, pay off the debt some day.
雨天滴滴答答穿過透光的屋頂 Pitter patter, the rain passes through the transparent roof
無人使喚的我端坐雨中故作淡定 The unsummoned me sits in the rain, feigning calmness.
眼看破落的這裡就快要無人問津 Looking at this dilapidated place, this unworshipped god
我依然安心地等著你 I still wait for you, at ease.
還有 And also
因為你和我交換彼此深藏的小秘密 Because you and I exchanged small, hidden secrets
約定只要跌倒再站起 Promise me, as long as you get up after falling
就會贏得資格去獲取 You’ll win the right to obtain
改變一切的奇跡 Miracles that can change everything.
所以說 So I say
跟隨在神的背後 Follow behind the gods’ back
敲碗拍桌甩衣袖 Drumming on bowls and tables, flinging your sleeves
還未開放的幸福就在每個角落 Indeed, unexplored happiness is around every corner.
月下美酒飲一口 Taste the exquisite wine under the moon
脫下衣裳掛枝頭 Take you clothes off and hang them on the branches
醉了睡了醒了再向前走 Once you get drunk, fall asleep, and awaken, let’s continue on forwards!
所以說 So I say
不論現在或今後 No matter today nor the future
和神明吵鬧遨游 Go on a noisy march with the gods
太多沮喪擔憂都不必再保留 No need to hold onto those dejected thoughts and worries.
不管下雨又刮風 No matter rain or wind
泥巴路上花一朵 That lonesome flower blooms on the dirt road
笑過以後就能越挫越勇 After a smile, you can brave each challenge better than the last.
這世界早已埋下太多的希望 Many hopes have already been hidden away in this world
藏在了重復的孤單又無趣的日常 Hidden in a repetitive, lonely, and boring daily life.
或許有一天誰微笑著拋向你手心 Perhaps one day someone will smile and offer an outstretched palm
或許在心裡,在你身旁 Perhaps in your heart, or besides you.
所以說 So I say
別再祈求太多 Don’t pray too much anymore
陪在我的身側 Stay by my side
因為有我的愛溫暖整個宇宙 Because you have my love warming the whole world.
今天鑽進被窩 Today, I curl up in my blankets
明天光芒四射 Tomorrow, light will shine in all directions
照亮每個人的心窩 Brightly illuminating the hearts of every person.
所以說 So I say
敲鑼打鼓都不夠 hitting cymbals and drums isn’t enough
敲碗拍桌甩衣袖 Drum on bowls and tables, fling your sleeves
直到每一個人都愛整個地球 Until everyone loves everybody on Earth.
不管春夏又秋冬 No matter spring, summer, fall, or winter
無憂無慮到最後 Til the end, we’ll have no worries or anxieties
笑著跳著唱著歌一起走 Laughing, dancing, and singing as we head off together.