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Tag: Reflection

2024 Fall Update

Hey everyone. It’s been 8 months since my last blog post (which wasn’t really even a full post), yikes! It’s late at night on a Saturday and I just had caffeine so I’m not falling asleep for a while longer, so here’s a random post about what I’ve been up to this past half year and more.

New Years

On New Year’s Eve I went to the Seattle Center Space Needle fireworks. I got some nice pictures, but there were way too many people. Probably won’t go again for a long time.

2023 Lookback (English Version)

Dual language post warning!! Chinese version is over here.


Coming to Seattle from Austin was already two years ago! The last time I wrote such a long reflection was Thanksgiving 2019. It’s about time to reflect a bit on life and the past two years.

Thoughts on Moving to Seattle

I came to Seattle in September of 2021. At the time I thought Return to Office was happening soon, so I made plans with the company to move in September. The company had extensive benefits, helping me move my clothes, computer, printer, etc. to Seattle, renting a temporary apartment, and giving me a house-hunting assistant, all for free.

2023年尾回顧 (中文版)

Dual language post warning!! English version is over here.

雙語po練中文!英文在這裡、簡中在這 裡 。中文如果有可改進的地方請致郵vincent (at) vincent-lee.net指點指點或者私信我。謝謝你的反饋。

不知不覺,從奧斯丁來到西雅圖已經是兩年多之前的事了。上一次寫長篇的回顧已經是2019年感恩 節了。夠時候再回顧一下人生,說一下對過去兩年和未來 的感想。


我是2021年九月到西雅圖的。當初以爲公司快要Return To Office就跟公司約好九月搬過去。公司福 利豐厚,幫我把私人物件包括衣服、電腦、印刷機等都送到西雅圖並且在當地租了一個暫時公寓,再請了一 位顧問幫助我找長期住宅。這些服務都是免費的。

在奧斯丁最後一天是九月九號,當晚出去跟大學音樂俱樂部幾位朋友吃了一頓道別餐。回家的時候二家 姐做了Crème brûlée甜品給我們吃,還記得那時候我內心各種感想冒起,沒吃幾口就不吃了。希望二家 姐沒以爲我覺得她做得不好吃,其實非常好吃,每一口都包含着家裏對我的愛……

次日就飛去西雅圖。那天藍天白雲,非常的美。當晚跟有緣一起到西雅圖工作的兩位大學死黨John和 Ben吃火鍋洗一下塵。之後就這樣在離辦公室不遠的臨時公寓住下了。

這段時期印象最深刻的一天是九月二十一日,中秋節那一天。白天沒什麼事,就在公寓裏工作,但晚上 覺得節日不做點事應節總感覺不太對,於是乎點了杯奶茶,把吸管插進杯蓋的同時打電話給媽媽。

那時候臥在沙發聊的瑣事都不記得了,只記得聊着聊着言語突然就停留在喉裏,再也說不出來了。媽媽 也沉默了一下,然後問了我一句「是不是哭了?」。可笑的是我那時候並沒有哭,但被戳了這一下當場 就淚水盈眶了、說出想家的種種言語。媽媽接着說「離開家人就是這樣的啦」,我這才明白長大離巢的 感覺。之前2018和2019都在西雅圖做過三個月實習,那時候並沒有什麼思鄉病,因爲知道夏天結束之後 一定會回到家。這次反而區區十二天,心內已經非常想家了。

次日是九月二十二日,是我疫情期間第一次踏入Facebook Seattle的辦公室、找到自己的桌子並且工作 起來。當時公司還在分A/B組輪流進辦公室以免病毒散播,室內也還強制戴口罩的。之後陸續的找到長 期的公寓入住,年尾也回家過感恩、聖誕兩節。

Retiring from and Reflections on Modding Minecraft

Well, here it is. It’s been an open secret within the Violet Moon Discord and community that I would be retiring from modding Minecraft soon, and here is the announcement.

This comes exactly 10 years from the day I publicly released my first mod (the timing wasn’t a coincidence, I saw it while writing the post and decided to release it today, as a nice whole number).

I wanted to spend some time reminiscing about my journey with Minecraft and modded, and where things will go next from here.

Vocal Music I’ve Been Enjoying in 2023

It’s the end of the year, which means my stories on social media are flooded with Spotify Wrapped posts and similar “lookbacks” from other services.

Unfortunately, I don’t use Spotify (or is it fortunately?), so I’m missing out on the action. To deal with the fear-of-missing-out (FOMO), I thought I’d write a blog post about some vocal music, new and old, I’ve been enjoying this year.

This is a rarity because most of the music I listen to is non-vocal, video game music, but on the plus side that means I appreciate the vocal music I do like a lot. This list isn’t exhaustive, of course, but just a small sampling of the ones on my mind.

Thanksgiving 2023

I’ve gotten lazy and not done any Thanksgiving post for three years(?!), which says something about how those years have just evaporated and blown past in the wind.

I feel bad about missing so many, so here is one for this year. It’s two days late though, oops.

I’m thankful…

  • For my parents and siblings. Moving away from home in 2021 has made me much more conscious and intentional about maintaining our relationships with regular video chats, a siblings group chat, phone calls etc. I love you all.
  • For my continued health.
  • For my continued employment through some questionable economic times in the tech industry over the past year. We are VERY privileged in this field and it’s important not to lose sight of that.
  • For my precious friends, new and old, for coming into and staying in my life. I’ve never been very great at being social so it’s been a goal of mine for the past few years to treasure everyone I’ve been fortunate enough to form a connection with. Nonexhaustive shoutouts: John, Ben, Marisa, Hailey, Aaron, Jenny, Wanlu. Y’all rock!
  • For my past and present music educators. This item appears every time I do these lists and it might be strange given that I don’t do music as a profession at all nowadays, but the lessons I’ve learned in both solo and ensemble settings have stuck with me to this day, and it’s such a joy to be able to occasionally unwind and spend an entire holiday or weekend afternoon just jamming on my instruments (guess what I did all of yesterday afternoon instead of going out for Black Friday shopping? :P).
  • For the Violet Moon community, in particular the regulars on IRC. It’s a joy to log into IRC, greet everyone every day, and ask how life is going, even though we’re “strangers” scattered across the globe. My retirement from modding Minecraft is coming soon, but I promise to continue staying with y’all for a long time to come.
  • For the Touhou Project community and fangame community. You continue to amaze me with the incredible fanworks that are released year after year, and I look forward to continuing to contribute in my own way through Chinese -> English translation work, showcase videos, etc.

Overall, I am enjoying life and slowly learning how to figure out what truly matters to me. At the risk of sounding narcissistic, when I reflect on who I am, I like what I see and I like that I can see myself changing as I grow up.

Thanksgiving 2020

I forgot to do my usual Thanksigiving list yesterday, but it’s a tradition I’ve been holding myself to since middle school, so I had to do a make-up today.

Nothing complicated this year, no essays, etc. Just a simple list of the people and things I hold dear.

I’m thankful for…

  1. My parents and siblings, who have lovingly cared for me over the last two decades and more.
  2. My continued good health.
  3. My music educators, for providing me a life-changing experience that impacts me to this day.
  4. The fact that I have a comfortable remote job, in a pandemic where many others are struggling day to day.
  5. My friends (Kate, Ben, John, Hailey, Charles, Marisa, and other Harmonies Hooligans) for their love and support.
  6. The Touhou project and fangame community, for being an endless source of joy and leisure.
  7. The Vazkii’s Mods Minecraft community, for being my lurking place for Minecraft.

This year has really gone by in a blink. I hope that we can look forward to better times for both ourselves and our country in the coming year.

Thoughts on Renaming Master

GitHub announced several days ago their intention to rename the master branch on the main GitHub interface. This stirred up some thoughts I had about this and renaming “offensive” technological terms altogether, so I decided to make a post.


Let’s get things straight first. I respect the rights of all people to be who they are, and support diversity efforts in technology. Please don’t go around claiming I hold extremist views as a result of the very narrowly-addressed opinion here. Difficult issues are nuanced. Taking a one-sided approach to everything is rarely the right choice.

This I Believe (2017 archive)

I just finished my final presentation of my entire BS and MS career on Tuesday, so I’ve been going through old school files and cleaning them up.

Today, I came across a short piece I wrote sophomore year for a Dean’s Scholars seminar on happiness and positive psychology. The topic was just to write a short piece about something you believed in. Enjoy! The last line is a quote from Nichijou, by the way.

UT Class Commentary

It’s my tenth and final semester at the University of Texas at Austin, so I thought I’d rage a bit comment on which classes I enjoyed the most and least. This will be a random discussion, and won’t exhaustively include every class I’ve ever taken. Perhaps some current UT students will find this of use.

I’ve separated them into three major tiers. “Low tier” are the classes that I despised or were an absolute joke. “Middle tier” are the classes that were helpful, but not particularly impactful. “High tier” are the classes that I felt were definitely worth my tuition.